Fees, Payments, and Fee Schedule

There is no fee to be in the High School orchestra, but some of the equipment and many of the activities have a cost associated with them. Instead of paying a large fee at the beginning of the year, students and parents can follow the payment schedule below.

Fees can be paid using the envelopes and dropbox in the orchestra room at any time or using InTouch on Powerschool. Follow the directions for InTouch payments here.

Student fees for Intermediate and Middle School students can be paid online as well. Note: the Orchestra Activity account is listed at the high school. To pay for anything orchestra-related on using Powerschool and InTouch, even if the students is a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader, you must choose “Items at All School,” “High School,” Jenks High School,” “Orchestra.”

Due Dates and Amounts for High School Student Payments, 2024-2025

If you have any questions about payments or your account, please send an email to Mr. Atkinson at wes.atkinson@jenksps.org